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"Black Eagle Down", a novel by Mike Kuzara.  Click here for details and order options.
"Black Eagle Down", a novel by Mike Kuzara. Click here for details and order options.

"Welcome to Hell: Here's Your Accordion", a book by Mike Kuzara. Click here for details and order options.


Thunder Mountain Tours - Wyarno, Wyoming

Thunder Mountain Tours Photo Gallery - Scenic Tours

Select a thumbnail image below to view a larger photo.

pg2005-01.jpg (22600 bytes)

Downtown Hyattville, Wyoming pg2005-09.jpg (65768 bytes) Peaceful scene in the Big Horn Mountains
pg2005-28.jpg (40326 bytes) Cattle drive with 4-wheelers on Dutch Creek pg2005-32.jpg (35950 bytes) Twin Cabins area in the Wind River Mountains
pg2005-35.jpg (56728 bytes) Warm Springs cavern at the canyon bottom pg2005-10.jpg (48580 bytes) Hunting camp in the Big Horn Mountains
pg2005-33.jpg (62905 bytes) Warm Springs Creek flowing out of Warm Springs Cavern pg2005-27.jpg (40940 bytes) Mule Deer watching from a ridge above Dutch Creek
pg2005-34.jpg (15885 bytes) Sunset highway Wind River Indian Reservation near Dubois, Wyoming pg-scenic-01.jpg (45810 bytes) Bighorn National Forest entrance sign, Cloud Peak Scenic Skyway, U.S. Highway 16 west of Buffalo, Wyoming
pg-scenic-02.jpg (51714 bytes) Downtown Buffalo, Wyoming - Main Street during the Christmas season pg-scenic-03.jpg (57998 bytes) Buffalo, Wyoming downtown mural - "Buffalo, Wyoming...more than a one horse town"
pg-scenic-04.jpg (75686 bytes) Crazy Woman Canyon, southwest of Buffalo, Wyoming pg-scenic-05.jpg (71514 bytes) Main Street - Buffalo, Wyoming
pg-scenic-06.jpg (52757 bytes) Hart Street - Buffalo, Wyoming pg-scenic-09.jpg (46395 bytes) Loaf Mountain Scenic Overlook, Cloud Peak Scenic Skyway, U.S. Highway 16 west of Buffalo, Wyoming
pg-scenic-10.jpg (45340 bytes) Long Lake - Bighorn National Forest pg-scenic-11.jpg (51213 bytes) Occidental Hotel, Main Street, Buffalo, Wyoming
pg-scenic-12.jpg (59895 bytes) Trout, Story Fish Hatchery, Story, Wyoming pg-scenic-13.jpg (81043 bytes) Bald Eagle and Magpie, just south of Sheridan, Wyoming
pg-scenic-14.jpg (26015 bytes) Elk calf - Sheridan, Wyoming wildlife park pg-scenic-15.jpg (24777 bytes) Beautiful sunset over Buffalo, Wyoming
pg-scenic-16.jpg (58753 bytes) Wild Turkeys pg-scenic-17.jpg (50181 bytes) Big Horn Mountains just west of Buffalo, Wyoming
pg-scenic-18.jpg (26056 bytes) Another magnificent sunset - Buffalo, Wyoming pg-scenic-19.jpg (47148 bytes) "Wyoming Welcomes You" border sign along Interstate 90.
pg-scenic-20.jpg (60706 bytes) Circle Park and the Big Horn Mountains west of Buffalo, Wyoming pg-scenic-21.jpg (48295 bytes) Big Horn Mountains west of Buffalo, Wyoming along the Cloud Peak Scenic Skyway
pg-scenic-23.jpg (59279 bytes) Outlaw Cave area near Hole-in-the-Wall west of Kaycee, Wyoming pg-scenic-24.jpg (55680 bytes) Indian Petroglyphs, Outlaw Cave area near Hole-in-the-Wall west of Kaycee, Wyoming
pg-scenic-26.jpg (47206 bytes) Buffalo, Wyoming looking west towards the Big Horn Mountains pg-scenic-27.jpg (46593 bytes) Tie Hack Reservoir with Big Horn Mountains in the background, west of Buffalo, Wyoming
pg-scenic-28.jpg (53419 bytes) Elgin park and the Big Horn Mountains with running bull moose in the foreground, west of Buffalo, Wyoming pg-scenic-29.jpg (69358 bytes) 2005 Spring wildflowers along U.S. Highway 16 west of Buffalo, Wyoming
pg-scenic-30.jpg (86899 bytes) Bull Moose, Elgin Park, Bighorn National Forest pg-scenic-31.jpg (86621 bytes) Bull Moose, Sourdough Road, Bighorn National Forest
pg-scenic-32.jpg (87651 bytes) Bull Moose, Hunter Mesa Road, Bighorn National Forest pg-scenic-33.jpg (48383 bytes) Cloud Peak Scenic Skyway, west of Buffalo, Wyoming
pg-scenic-34.jpg (65508 bytes) Three mule deer bucks, Johnson County Court House lawn, downtown Buffalo, Wyoming pg-scenic-35.jpg (71889 bytes) 2005 Spring wildflowers and Pronghorn Antelope along U.S. Highway 16 west of Buffalo, Wyoming
pg-scenic-36.jpg (79763 bytes) 2005 Spring wildflowers along U.S. Highway 16 west of Buffalo, Wyoming pg-scenic-37.jpg (85583 bytes) 2005 Spring wildflowers along U.S. Highway 16 west of Buffalo, Wyoming
pg-scenic-38.jpg (83256 bytes) 2005 Spring wildflowers along U.S. Highway 16 west of Buffalo, Wyoming pg-scenic-39.jpg (50471 bytes) The "Red Wall" at the Hole-in-the-Wall west of Kaycee, Wyoming
pg-scenic-40.jpg (45174 bytes) Monument Plant close up pg-scenic-41.jpg (66211 bytes) 2005 Spring wildflowers along Hunter Mesa Road west of Buffalo, Wyoming
pg-scenic-43.jpg (62803 bytes) Sherd Lake, Bighorn National Forest pg-scenic-44.jpg (38140 bytes) Elgin Park and the Big Horn Mountains, west of Buffalo, Wyoming
pg-scenic-45.jpg (70838 bytes) Buffalo, Wyoming's FREE public outdoor swimming pool.  The region's largest swimming pool! pg-scenic-46.jpg (66705 bytes) Mule Deer bucks in the Buffalo, Wyoming city limits
pg-scenic-47.jpg (30259 bytes) Double rainbow over the Mountain Plains Heritage Park Homesteaders Cabin - Buffalo, Wyoming pg-scenic-48.jpg (25971 bytes) "Cotton Candy Clouds" over the Big Horn Mountains from Elgin Park west of Buffalo, Wyoming
pg-scenic-49.jpg (78181 bytes) Buffalo (Bison) with calf - Sheridan, Wyoming wildlife park pg-scenic-50.jpg (38571 bytes) Cow elk - Sheridan, Wyoming wildlife park
pg-scenic-51.jpg (79123 bytes) Buffalo (Bison) calves - Sheridan, Wyoming wildlife park pg-scenic-52.jpg (67905 bytes) Circle Park fall photo with Big Horn Mountains, west of Buffalo, Wyoming
pg-scenic-53.jpg (33390 bytes) Bull Moose crossing Cloud Peak Scenic Skyway (U.S. Highway 16) west of Buffalo, Wyoming pg-scenic-54.jpg (49285 bytes) Herd of Pronghorn Antelope
pg-scenic-55.jpg (70653 bytes) Mule Deer lounging in my webmaster's yard in Buffalo, Wyoming pg-scenic-56.jpg (35812 bytes) Another beautiful local Wyoming sunset
pg-scenic-58.jpg (44378 bytes) Ranch horse drive, HF Bar Ranch - Saddlestring, Wyoming pg-scenic-57.jpg (30454 bytes) One more magnificent sunset over Buffalo, Wyoming - we have them frequently
pg-scenic-59.jpg (78811 bytes) Romeo Lake, Bighorn National Forest pg-scenic-60.jpg (52920 bytes) Willow Lake, Bighorn National Forest

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Thunder Mountain Tours
Mike Kuzara
25 Indian Paintbrush Road

Sheridan, WY 82801

Telephone: (
307) 751-2482


© Thunder Mountain Tours 2005, All Rights Reserved